The Cajun Contrainan - InvestingChannel

The Cajun Contrainan

The market is saved once again. The bulls can thank me for the balderdash post yesterday as it will clearly mark the bottom. It looks like the market likes the word Patient, and Santa is well on his way. You guys can continue to fade The Cajun, because it is working.

So far today I took profits on my $APA trade and have yet to put anything new on the books. I’m eyeing $GPRO again here sub $60, and like the idea of getting long $KORS here.

Here’s a look at some of the top individual hybrid movers on the day. $BABA is of interest, as is $AKS. For a lotto play check out $APP:

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I’m off to a doctors appointment to try to fix this shoulder. I will miss the final hour, but be back tonight with a few ideas for tomorrow.

Good luck guys.