Green Dot Corporation (NYSE:GDOT) Q2 2023 Earnings Call Transcript - Page 2 of 5 - InvestingChannel

Green Dot Corporation (NYSE:GDOT) Q2 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

Michael Perito: Got it. Okay. And then obviously the updated segment commentary and guidance is helpful on the financial front, so maybe kind of a big picture question, a couple of the other more bank oriented best providers this quarter on their calls, made comments about some of the competition, not necessarily increasing, but kind of more velocity of opportunities from fallout from smaller players and other partners that were, which just curious what you guys are seeing, has there been any notable change in the competition in the BaaS space in the last 90 to a 100 days or so? And if so any kind of quality opportunities in the pipeline today that maybe weren’t there six months ago or just wondering how that all kind of looks from your perspective.

George Gresham: Hey, Michael. It’s George. So the answer in short is, yes. There are more opportunities. We think our pipeline is getting healthier. In some of the previous calls, we’ve had – where we’ve talked about the implications of the changing capital markets on our competition, I think remain relevant. Many of our competitors raised their capital in low – very low interest rate environments and then went to market aggressively based on that low cost capital. And obviously either that capital’s getting consumed and they’re facing new capital raise obligations at a much higher rate or they’re unable to sustain their business models with respect to the capital environment. And so that’s all very positive to us, since we, of course, are well capitalized and have strong cash flow and do not need to access the capital markets in any short term basis in order to compete.

So I think in addition to just maybe some less well capitalized providers leading the market, the market – the potential market participants, the buyers with that market’s increasing in the sense that there are all sorts of businesses who their businesses are changing, retail’s the classic example of this, where they are having changing consumer patterns and behaviors and they’re seeking to integrate financial services into those relationships. And then that legacy retailer, which was a bricks and mortar distribution point for a company like Green Dot now might be a embedded finance solution opportunity for us. And so there’s some changing market dynamics beyond just the capital markets as well.

Michael Perito: Good. Got it. That makes sense. Very helpful guys. Thank you for taking my questions.

George Gresham: Thank you, Michael.

Operator: Thank you. Your next question comes from Matthew Hurwit from JMP. Please go ahead.

Matthew Hurwit: This is Matt from Jefferies. First question is just consumer services ARPU decreased quarter-on-quarter. I’m just curious if you can just elaborate a little further on the dynamics there. Thanks.

Jess Unruh: Yes. We had – we mentioned a roll-off of a retail program. We mentioned it as part of our guide for the full year earlier in our Q4 call. So that has an impact to some degree on the ARPU in the Consumer Services segment.

Matthew Hurwit: Perfect. And then…

Jess Unruh: So then we’ll lack that.

Matthew Hurwit: Right. Okay. Thanks. And then just on EWA, could you share any progress there? I know it’s an exciting product, and it sounds like there’s some momentum, that would be helpful. Thanks.

George Gresham: Sure, Matthew. We were excited about EWA. We remain excited about EWA. The market is spectacular opportunity for us. The growth rate on an admittedly small base was extremely high this quarter within that business unit. And importantly, there is a subtlety where in order for us to provide EWA in the market, we do integrations with different payroll packages and six months ago, our penetration into the market for payroll packages was very, very small, whereas as of the end of this quarter, we’re integrated into a very substantial portion of the U.S. addressable payroll market, which allows our sales team to be much more aggressive in selling this product. So no change, excited before, still excited. It’s going to be a great opportunity for the company over the next coming years.

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