CAVA Group, Inc. (NYSE:CAVA) Q2 2023 Earnings Call Transcript - Page 3 of 3 - InvestingChannel

CAVA Group, Inc. (NYSE:CAVA) Q2 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

Brett Schulman: Chris, thanks for the question. I’ll speak to the first part and hand it off to Tricia. We’re very pleased with the performance of the 2022 fleet. They are outperforming our expectations. And just to clarify, in the quarter, we opened 10 de novo units and 6 conversions. So you’re seeing already the transition away from conversions. And in Q3, we have 2 remaining conversions to open and the rest of the openings will be de novo units. And I’ll hand it to Tricia to answer the balance of the question.

Tricia Tolivar: Chris, as it relates to profitability, our new restaurants are exceeding our expectations as we deliver against our underwriting models that we have for those restaurants themselves. And so we’re not anticipating a significant negative impact on overall restaurant-level profit margins as a result of the new openings either this year or going forward.

Chris O’Cull: Great. Congrats, guys.

Brett Schulman: Thank you.

Operator: [Operator Instructions] Your next question comes from the line of Sharon Zackfia from William Blair.

Sharon Zackfia: I have to say I’m selfishly glad to hear about Chicago. But I’m also curious, as you talk about Chicago, I mean, it’s probably the first new big greenfield market for you in a while. I mean how do you think about attacking a market like Chicago in terms of how quickly you densify it, or the cadence of densification, whether it’s urban, suburban, how you plan to build the brand awareness?

Brett Schulman: Yes. Sharon, thanks for the question. We’ve earned our stripes over this over the years. Our second market away from Washington, D.C., our home market, the DMV was Los Angeles. And that is a large urban sprawl market, and we really learned how to build out new markets and have opened many subsequent major markets. And so we’re excited to get to Chicago. It’s been a highly requested market. And we also learned in our early years, when we enter these markets, we want to open 3 to 5 units within a 12-month period. So we’ve lined up an entry that we feel gets us to that kind of critical mass, both from a supply chain, an operational integrity and a consumer brand awareness standpoint. And given our proven portability and broad appeal, it allows us to really go into a market in a multitude of ways where we can pair some more urban sites with suburban sites, high-profile suburban trade areas and urban trade areas.

So really gives us an area — an ability to touch markets in unique ways. And then I would also say that we’ve been in Whole Foods Markets and grocery in that market for almost 9 years now, and we do brand health surveys and awareness surveys. And really pleased with the existing awareness in the Chicago market of the brand without even having a restaurant there. And when we go into the market, we’ll do our traditional community days, which really helps generate great interest as well as give back to the communities where we invite our neighbors, our new neighbors for a free lunch or dinner service and suggest donations, not required. But if any donation, we match, and they go to a philanthropic partner in the community typically addressing food security.

So I’m excited to bring CAVA closer to you next year.

Operator: There are no further questions at this time. I will now hand over to Brett. Please continue.

Brett Schulman: I want to thank our teams once again for a record second quarter. CAVA is a fast-growing brand that’s creating the next cultural cuisine category. Our performance in the second quarter reflects the diverse appeal and proven portability of our concept, and as demonstrated by our strong unit-level economics and expanding clear leadership position, we are making the most of this massive white space opportunity in front of us. While we are closely watching the potential macroeconomic headwinds on the horizon, we remain confident in the durability of our brand and the long-term value creation opportunity in front of us. We are focused on sustainably scaling our business and fulfilling our mission to bring heart, health and humanity to food. Thanks again for joining us, and we look forward to speaking with you next quarter.

Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes today’s conference call. Thank you for your participation. You may now disconnect.

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