One of the challenges of managing money is the (increasingly-frequent) need to translate non-financial tragedies into action to protect clients and, yes, profit from the...
Earlier today, articles started appearing about the rise of France’s right wing, anti-immigration National Front party in recent polls. This wasn’t a surprise given the...
The big retail chains are generally seen as pretty good barometers of the health of “the consumer.” And since — in today’s late-cycle debt-binge pseudo-capitalism...
The old saying “When elephants fight, the grass gets trampled” captures perfectly the dilemma of the world’s non-superpowers. From Brazil to Thailand to non-eurozone Europe,...
Some interesting stories from, of all places, Texas, offer the first clear glimpse of the coming energy revolution. The short version: Combine wind at night,...
Portugal has entered a phase change, with potentially huge ramifications. After handing a parliamentary majority to a coalition of leftist (i.e., anti-austerity, anti-euro, anti-NATO) parties,...
US stocks opened down hard today, in part because China released some truly horrendous trade numbers over the weekend, but also because the imminence of...
By now everyone knows the corporate share repurchase story, about how major companies are engineering higher per-share profits and share prices by buying back their...