BlackRock's (BLK) Strategist Bob Doll Joins Nuveen Asset Management - InvestingChannel

BlackRock’s (BLK) Strategist Bob Doll Joins Nuveen Asset Management

Nuveen Investments announced its Nuveen Asset Management affiliate has appointed Bob Doll as Chief Equity Strategist and Senior Portfolio Manager, effective November 26, 2012.

A respected authority within the equities space and author of widely followed and highly anticipated market commentaries, Mr. Dollâs appointment marks a key addition to the Nuveen Asset Management team. In addition to serving as Chief Equity Strategist, Doll will also serve as Senior Portfolio Manager, further strengthening Nuveen Asset Managementâs fundamental equity investment capabilities and building on the firmâs rapidly growing presence as a top-tier equities manager. Doll will report to Nuveen Asset Managementâs Head of Equities, David Chalupnik.

Mr. Doll recently served as BlackRock’s (NYSE: BLK) Chief Equity Strategist for Fundamental Equities. Mr. Doll was also the head of the US Large Cap Series equity team, with primary portfolio management responsibility for those strategies. Prior to his tenure at BlackRock, Mr. Doll was with Merrill Lynch Investment Managers (MLIM), where he served as the President and Chief Investment Officer and Senior Portfolio Manager of the Merrill Lynch Large Cap Series Funds. Prior to joining MLIM, Mr. Doll served as the Chief Investment Officer of Oppenheimer Funds, Inc.

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