Stanley Gibbons Sees 2012 Group Profitability Level In Line With Consensus - InvestingChannel

Stanley Gibbons Sees 2012 Group Profitability Level In Line With Consensus

Stanley Gibbons Group plc (SGI.L) reported that it expects 2012 Group’s level of profitability to be in line with market view. The company said this includes a strong balance sheet position as at December 31, 2012, including net cash balances of some 7 million pounds and a substantial stockholding of top quality rare collectibles.

The Group anticipates that the current heightened interest in collectibles as an alternative asset class would further improve in 2013, evidenced by the size of our current order book, as the economic climate results in a desire for investors to allocate more capital into tangible assets. Also, it is believed that this higher demand would underpin the prices of top quality rare collectibles while providing investors with attractive returns and a hedge against inflation.

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by RTT Staff Writer

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