Investment analysts at BMO Capital Markets dropped their target price on shares of Packaging Co. of America (NYSE: PKG)
Shares of Packaging Co. of America traded up 0.72% during mid-day trading on Monday, hitting $39.14. Packaging Co. of America has a 52 week low of $25.77 and a 52 week high of $39.39. The stock?s 50-day moving average is currently $37.40. The company has a market cap of $3.768 billion and a P/E ratio of 26.78.
A number of other analysts have also recently weighed in on PKG. Analysts at Jefferies Group raised their price target on shares of Packaging Co. of America from $38.00 to $39.00 in a research note to investors on Wednesday, October 17th. They now have a ?hold? rating on the stock. Separately, analysts at Deutsche Bank raised their price target on shares of Packaging Co. of America from $37.00 to $39.00 in a research note to investors on Wednesday, October 17th. They now have a ?buy? rating on the stock. Finally, analysts at Buckingham Research downgraded shares of Packaging Co. of America from a ?buy? rating to a ?neutral? rating in a research note to investors on Tuesday, October 16th.
Packaging Corporation of America (PCA) is a producer of containerboard and corrugated products in the United States.