Analysts at JPMorgan Chase started coverage on shares of Armstrong World Industries (NYSE: AWI)
AWI has been the subject of a number of other recent research reports. Analysts at Zacks upgraded shares of Armstrong World Industries from a ?neutral? rating to an ?outperform? rating in a research note to investors on Friday. They now have a $57.50 price target on the stock. Analysts at Bank of America initiated coverage on shares of Armstrong World Industries in a research note to investors on Thursday, January 10th. They set a ?neutral? rating and a $58.00 price target on the stock. Two investment analysts have rated the stock with a buy rating, nine have issued a hold rating, and one has assigned an underweight rating to the company. The stock has a consensus rating of ?hold? and an average price target of $57.00. Armstrong World Industries opened at 54.52 on Tuesday. Armstrong World Industries has a 52-week low of $38.08 and a 52-week high of $59.78. The stock?s 50-day moving average is currently $50.59. The company has a market cap of $3.207 billion and a price-to-earnings ratio of 24.76. Armstrong World Industries, Inc. (AWI) is a global producer of flooring products and ceiling systems for use primarily in the construction and renovation of residential, commercial and institutional buildings.