What We in the 1% Don’t Want the 99% To Know - InvestingChannel

What We in the 1% Don’t Want the 99% To Know

There is only Truth.

As soon as you believe Truths exist…it’s a sophistry…

Created by powerful absolute capitalists to seduce the Ignorant or weaker absolute capitalists into believing such.

Because absolute capitalists take more power than they give…the powerful maintain their power by keeping the powerless absolute capitalists powerless or dominated completely.

That is the primary purpose of the system of which the powerful live off the powerless…the powerful rise up and blast off to heaven with smiles on their faces and the blast off and thrust of their blast up burns the smiles off of your faces because you are in hell.

The top lives off the yield of power they take from the bottom…which the bottom is psychologically dominated to supply.

the power to sustain the top of the pyrmid from the bottom of the pyrimid…or empire or enterprise.

The absolute capitalistic hierarchical food powered make work enterprise…the city state of existance, the nation state, of existance, the global state of existance.

The religion of beliefs you all think are Truth…dominate you…The lies you are persuaded to believe are Truth.

Or truths….oh my look at all the truths of the sophistry…

Inside a sophistry…because you are ignorant of Truth…all you have to measure lies with are lies.

Just coming here and posting could be a sign of ignorance that I will eventually see and then stop posting.

The user interface and everything is a lie…I’m a lie.

The writer of the article is telling lies and you are spreading them to help out the writer so everyone can be illuminated by ignorance.

maybe when you all are reduced as low as possible and survive…there will be nowhere but up to go.

once the deflation runs it’s course…once you all are sucked dry completely and are at the mercy of the powerful…if you live to see the day.

Or maybe you are already are at their mercy.

You will do as they say…Because the other option is too negative to accept.

Or you will accept it and self destruct once the logical conclusion of the take more power than you give equation reaches the logical conclusion.

Because the too negative option is defeat.

and absolute capitalists want victory.

so everyone that survives the negative phase is so happy they don’t even care and they let the winners that saved them…to do as they please.

So in the beginning the lies alway look good…it’s what lies are trying to do…look like Truth.

and that is why truths exist and you believe they do.

that are just lies masqurading as Truth.

Truth is the supply of power and lies are the demand for it.

Absolute capitalists are powered by it.

What you see is the result of absolute capitalism…The universe and everything in it is composed of absolute capitalistic power.

It’s all an illusion that is constantly powered to inflate and deflate by Truth.

The sun powers the food which the top enslaves the bottom to supply to the top who take their cut and supply the least amount below to obtain the most amount of power possible to sustain the lie you all think is Truth that sustains you all.

truth powers the sun and everything else in the Universe which capitalise upon truth to sustain teh existance of all and everything in the Universe.

you all are given enough power by teh system to keep you coming back for more.

but how many lies do I have to stare at until i figure out what Truth is so I can use it to measure lies to know what is really going on.

Becaue manipulation of people without their knowledge is what evil does to look good.

So are babies evil?

All that is cute is trying to fool you into loving it…and it works wonderfully…

the system you all are in was not created by Truth…it’s just powered by Truth.

Ignorance of Truth is the root of all evil in the Universe.

Those that know Truth can easily employ you to do their bidding without your knowledge and you think it was your fault.

You cherish the lie so much…and you are so far gone…you can’t get back…or escape.

I watch you all following the path of least resistance and there is nothing much I can do about it…

There is no way in person it’s impossible for me to crush your soul and see right through you.

and if you are an evil person…You will wish you didn’t exist to live to see the day you blundered to close to me.

But I’m not trying to do that…

Unfortunately people more powerful than me can get real close to me just because they have the power to do so without me allowing it.

because I do live in the sophistry and I don’t have the power of millions and billions to protect me from the power of millions and billions.

That is what powerful people have…The secret service protect a fundable asset from premature liquidation…That is their primary function.

because the power of millions and billion and trillions is not all it’s cracked up to be.

I can annihilate the less powerful evil around me…and most of the evil is repelled and donesn’t get too close and most times everything looks good.

Until the last few years…the collpase of the global system which ssubjugates the 100% or you all is causing the negatives to be powered by millions and billions.

The effects are all around me now and everyone I see…they are crumbling under the strain of the whippings by the powerful upon the powerless to supply what they want…more power.

and the only way a person can supply more power to another person inside the system is if the supplier becomes weaker in relation.

Because I can avoid this better than anyone I know of…I just watch you all wilt like flowers in the fall.

and telling you more so that you can find what you don’t want to find just causes you all to wilt faster.

because in the end from your perspective…What I supply to you…takes more than it gives from the lies you believe in…the lies you dervive power from.

The system you are in.

Is a lie that you all believe is Truth…and you all basically fight to the death protecting it from destruction…until it’s crumbling all around you.

because Truth is at the logical conclusion of all lies…when the lies crumble and die…that is the defeat of the lie you all are fighting to the death to protect.

I don’t do that…

But you all do…and when I showed upe in teh Universe…that what you all were trying to get me to do…supply you all with ever greater amounts of power.

and when I refused to give you all what you wanted…you punished me.

Give us positive or we will give you negative.

eventually i figured out how to send you on you way…and im powerful enough to be happy that Im not dying as fast as all of you so I can watch you all die.

becaue that is what you all are…lies powered by Truth fighting Truth to sustain your existance.

and when you take more power than you give…you will always lose the war.

so you can’t try to win against Truth.


there is never a lasting victory over lies while the war against truth has no exit strategy and always ends in defeat.

now do I like death?

What all see with your eyes is the constant birth and death of lies…that is what your eyes see.

Once you know Truth…there is no escape.

The owners of the system that the 100% exist within…know Truth.

They would escape if they could but they do need you all to exist.

if you all were to cease to exist…the owners of the lie you live within and depend upon.

could cease to exist.

fear of the negative consequences of disobediance to the lie is what keeps you all trapped…in a place that is not too bad during the positive phase of the lie you think is Truth.

during the negative phase…you all see what you thought was good…turn bad.

so you all have to be kept ignorant of Truth so all you see whan that time arrives.

Is what the powerful people tell you you are seeing…the dying lie you all will be forced to accpet because you don’t have time to do what I did years ago.

find Truth so I can know what is a lie and how they are created and used to take more than they give.

It’s what lies do to sustain their existance whether you think so or not.

I studied power seraching for the source…that is why I found what you all don’t want to.

Because Truth is Unreasonable.

and what your absolute self indulgent reason can’t figure out…is rejected in favor of something you can.

lies…that look like Truth…because they look good to you.

I don’t even really try to look good and I look good.

Even when I’m rotting to death.

If evil people had the power to kill me by looking at me…I would have been dead along time ago.

Of course evil people die around me all the time and suffer…

Some I decided they needed to die and they did…like without touching them of course oppsie I see you……others were already getting killed off and putting up a fight and I was just another nail in the coffin.

The good thing about Canadian health care…Is it treats everyone equally…so they transplant organs into people that should die to keep them alive to sustain the war against Truth and lose anyways.

like Dick Cheney who is powerful enough to be constantly saved from annihilation…alot of people don’t like him…I don’t think he likes him…but with all the technology…he can contiune taking more power than he gives until the logical conclusion is reached…thanks for showing up to the Universe…

I was dying…I was being annihalited a few years back and the annihilator was worried enough about me to take me to a doctor and they they took over and saved me from dying in my sleep.

It was wonderful…I would have died and been gone and that would have been it…a text book example of ignorance being bliss…basically a rapture.

See you…xoxoxoxoxox

But Doctors need money (power) and they save lies from being annihilated by Truth.

It’s routine…like reverse slaugther houses…hospitals…they give more than they take until they can’t and stop…beeeeeeeeeeeeee…and I’m supposed to like them…of course living is better than being dead of course.

existance is positive while non existance is negative.

Fear keeps you all in line…

It was only after that when my annihiliator revaeled themselves to me…

Keep your firends close but keep your enemies closer.

The closest enemy to you is you if you are ignorant of Truth.