Lloyds TSB Group plc Downgraded by Macquarie (LYG) - InvestingChannel

Lloyds TSB Group plc Downgraded by Macquarie (LYG)

Lloyds TSB Group plc (NYSE: LYG) Lloyds TSB Group plc opened at 3.51 on Wednesday. Lloyds TSB Group plc has a 1-year low of $1.52 and a 1-year high of $3.59. The stock?s 50-day moving average is currently $3.14. The company has a market cap of $63.096 billion and a price-to-earnings ratio of 29.25.

Several other analysts have also recently commented on the stock. Analysts at JPMorgan Chase upgraded shares of Lloyds TSB Group plc from an ?underweight? rating to a ?neutral? rating in a research note to investors on Monday. Separately, analysts at UBS AG upgraded shares of Lloyds TSB Group plc from a ?neutral? rating to a ?buy? rating in a research note to investors on Wednesday, January 9th. Finally, analysts at Goldman Sachs downgraded shares of Lloyds TSB Group plc to a ?neutral? rating in a research note to investors on Thursday, December 6th.

Lloyds Banking Group plc is a financial services group providing a range of banking and financial services, primarily in the United Kingdom, to personal and corporate customers.