Telecommunication Systems (TSYS) Receives VSAT Order from Australian DSTO - InvestingChannel

Telecommunication Systems (TSYS) Receives VSAT Order from Australian DSTO

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Telecommunication Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: TSYS) received an order from the Australian Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) for its Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) satellite systems.

News Facts:

* The DSTO is the Australian government’s lead agency charged with applying science and technology to protect and defend Australia and its national interests and delivers expert, impartial advice and innovative solutions for defense and other elements of national security.

* TCS VSAT systems provide multimedia communications capabilities which convey encrypted voice, video and data.

* Highly transportable and ruggedized, TCS VSAT systems also have a graphical user interface that facilitates easy set-up and operation.

* The modularity and plug-and-play interfaces between all radio frequency (RF) and baseband configurations inherent to the product line result in communication solutions tailored to the end-user’s specific needs.

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