Parker-Hannifin Co. (PH) Releases FY13 Earnings Guidance - InvestingChannel

Parker-Hannifin Co. (PH) Releases FY13 Earnings Guidance

Parker-Hannifin Co. (PH) updated its FY13 earnings guidance on Friday. The company provided earnings per share guidance of $6.15-6.75 for the period, compared to the Thomson Reuters consensus earnings per share estimate of $6.41.

Shares of Parker-Hannifin Co. (PH) opened at 91.36 on Friday. Parker-Hannifin Co. (PH) has a 52 week low of $70.42 and a 52 week high of $91.93. The stock?s 50-day moving average is currently $85.72. The company has a market cap of $13.629 billion and a P/E ratio of 12.85.

Parker-Hannifin last released its earnings data on Friday, January 18th. The company reported $1.19 earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, beating the consensus estimate of $1.18 by $0.01. The company had revenue of $3.07 billion for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $2.93 billion. During the same quarter in 2012, the company posted $1.56 earnings per share. Parker-Hannifin?s revenue was down 1.3% compared to the same quarter last year. Parker-Hannifin has set its FY13 guidance at $6.15-6.75 EPS. Analysts expect that Parker-Hannifin Co. (PH) will post $6.40 EPS for the current fiscal year.

PH has been the subject of a number of recent research reports. Analysts at BMO Capital Markets reiterated an outperform rating on shares of Parker-Hannifin in a research note to investors on Monday. They now have a $94.00 price target on the stock. On a related note, analysts at TheStreet reiterated a buy rating on shares of Parker-Hannifin in a research note to investors on Friday, January 11th. Finally, analysts at JPMorgan Chase upgraded shares of Parker-Hannifin from a neutral rating to an overweight rating in a research note to investors on Tuesday, January 8th. They now have a $100.00 price target on the stock. Eight research analysts have rated the stock with a buy rating, one has assigned an overweight rating, six have assigned a hold rating, and one has issued a sell rating to the stock. The stock currently has a consensus rating of overweight and a consensus price target of $91.92.

Parker-Hannifin Corporation (Parker) is a full-line diversified manufacturer of motion and control technologies and systems, including fluid power systems, electromechanical controls and related components.