There is huge opportunity in personalizing search;
There is room for different companies to develop and each will do so differently;
Big search innovations with be coming in the next three to five years;
She noted that “user data belongs to the end user’;
Users should be able to move data between platforms;
Yahoo! will focus on strong partnerships moving forward;
Sees Facebook (Nasdaq: FB) as predominant social platform;
Yahoo! works will Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL), Google (Nasdaq: GOOG), and Facebook currently;
Yahoo! has a strong corporate culture and they need to amplify it;
Some of the company’s products need to be modernized;
Mayer was focused on people and building a strong team for the first 10 months on the job;
Apple is the ‘gold standard’ in design and she spent a lot of time thinking about design; and
She also is spending a lot of time on location technology.