The Bernanke Borealis - InvestingChannel

The Bernanke Borealis

Maybe it’s because we live far enough north that we might one day see the Aurora Borealis by just looking out our kitchen window, but, for some reason, this photo of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke that accompanied this Bloomberg story about the central bank’s policy meeting today kind of captivated me.

Bernanke Borialis

The title of the Bloomberg report was Bernanke Seen Buying $1.14 Trillion in Assets in 2014 and this is probably what the committee spent most of their time talking about today.

As for tomorrow, don’t look for much in the way of news since the Fed’s big December announcement about linking monetary policy to the jobless rate and the inflation rate. There may be a few clues in the policy statement as to when the $85 per month money printing campaign might come to an end, but I doubt it.