Christie Angered By Sequester Cuts, Blames Obama Leadership - InvestingChannel

Christie Angered By Sequester Cuts, Blames Obama Leadership

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie says President Obama has failed to assume a role of real leadership during the sequester crisis.

“Real leadership would get this fixed. You get everybody in the room and you fix it, and you don’t let them leave until you fix it,” Christie told reporters, according to ABC News.

“That’s what real leadership is, not calling a meeting two hours before the thing’s going to hit to have a photo-op in the driveway at the White House. That’s not real leadership.”

However, Obama, speaking with CNN last week, says there are limits to his power—and that he needs cooperation from Congress in order to manage such a crisis:

“I am not a dictator, I’m the president . . . Ultimately, if Mitch McConnell or John Boehner say we need to go to catch a plane, I can’t have Secret Service block the doorway.”

Christie’s comments come on the heels of GOP criticism directed at him for cooperating with the White House during the Hurricane Sandy emergency.

by RTT Staff Writer

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