WPP PT Raised to $19.27 at JP Morgan Cazenove (WPP) - InvestingChannel

WPP PT Raised to $19.27 at JP Morgan Cazenove (WPP)

Equities research analysts at JP Morgan Cazenove lifted their price target on shares of WPP (LON: WPP)

A number of other firms have also recently commented on WPP. Analysts at Sanford C. Bernstein reiterated an ?outperform? rating on shares of WPP in a research note to investors on Wednesday. They now have a $19.54 price target on the stock. Separately, analysts at Goldman Sachs raised their price target on shares of WPP from $16.61 to $17.36 in a research note to investors on Tuesday. They now have a ?buy? rating on the stock. Finally, analysts at Berenberg Bank downgraded shares of WPP to a ?sell? rating in a research note to investors on Tuesday. They now have a $15.78 price target on the stock, up previously from $12.78.

Shares of WPP opened at 1088.00 on Friday. WPP has a one year low of GBX 892.50 and a one year high of GBX 1091.00. The stock?s 50-day moving average is currently GBX 855..

WPP plc (WPP) operates in four segments: Advertising and Media Investment Management; Consumer Insight; Public Relations & Public Affairs, and Branding & Identity, Healthcare and Specialist Communications.