A new monetary economics blog - InvestingChannel

A new monetary economics blog

Alex Jutca has a new blog on monetary economics.  In one post he discusses a lunch he had with Greg Mankiw:

One of the salient characteristics you first note about Professor Mankiw is that he’s unfailingly polite and measured. He responded that he very much agreed with Bernanke’s policy decisions over his tenure, and went so far as to call him a “hero” a la Roger Lowenstein. He laughed that he was one of President Bush’s three finalists to replace Alan Greenspan, remarking that he didn’t even know it at the time. Bernanke’s stewardship of the economy during the financial crisis is evidence that he was the right man for the job, he said.

I once had lunch with Mankiw and noticed the same personality characteristics.

It looks like a good blog—I like his views on monetary policy.