Petrominerales Lowered to “Neutral” at Dundee Securities (PMG) - InvestingChannel

Petrominerales Lowered to “Neutral” at Dundee Securities (PMG)

A number of other analysts have also recently weighed in on PMG. Analysts at BMO Capital Markets cut their price target on shares of Petrominerales from $11.00 to $8.50 in a research note to investors on Friday. Separately, analysts at Haywood Securities downgraded shares of Petrominerales from a ?sector perform? rating to an ?underperform? rating in a research note to investors on Thursday. They now have a $7.00 price target on the stock, down previously from $9.25. Finally, analysts at UBS AG downgraded shares of Petrominerales from a ?buy? rating to a ?neutral? rating in a research note to investors on Thursday. Shares of Petrominerales traded up 2.34% during mid-day trading on Friday, hitting $6.55. Petrominerales has a 52 week low of $6.38 and a 52 week high of $18.73. The stock?s 50-day moving average is currently $8.85. The company has a market cap of $553.4 million and a P/E ratio of 1.98.

Petrominerales Ltd. (Petrominerales) is an oil and gas company involved in the exploration, development and production of crude oil in Colombia and Peru.