Coasting into the Bell - InvestingChannel

Coasting into the Bell

My exit on CLIR was sublime. Truth be told, it wasn’t a very big position, just 30,000 shares. But I made more than $50k overnight, so I can’t complain. It’s true, The Devil is positioning into CALL. But be warned, the law of averages catches up to us all. After seeing both PAMT and CLIR go haywire, I am tempted to go all in on CALL. But I am reminded of all of the times when hubris nearly destroyed me, so the position shall remain small– at around 7% of assets.

My other positions are not working today, with a general weakness foreshadowing what should be considered a terrific bull market.

I am waiting for BZH, USG, HLF and RAS to move higher. Until then, I am biding my time, looking for the next deal.