Foot Locker Price Target Cut to $39.00 (FL) - InvestingChannel

Foot Locker Price Target Cut to $39.00 (FL)

UBS AG decreased their price target on shares of Foot Locker (NYSE: FL)

FL has been the subject of a number of other recent research reports. Analysts at RBC Capital cut their price target on shares of Foot Locker from $41.00 to $39.00 in a research note to investors on Monday, March 11th. They now have an “outperform” rating on the stock. Separately, analysts at Robert W. Baird reiterated an “outperform” rating on shares of Foot Locker in a research note to investors on Monday, March 11th. They now have a $45.00 price target on the stock. Finally, analysts at Credit Suisse reiterated an “outperform” rating on shares of Foot Locker in a research note to investors on Friday, March 8th. They now have a $43.00 price target on the stock. Thirteen equities research analysts have rated the stock with a buy rating, two have issued an overweight rating, and three have given a hold rating to the stock. The company has a consensus rating of “buy” and a consensus target price of $40.20.

Foot Locker (NYSE: FL) traded down 1.94% on Monday, hitting $32.36. Foot Locker has a 52-week low of $27.86 and a 52-week high of $37.65. The stock’s 50-day moving average is currently $34.01. The company has a market cap of $4.958 billion and a price-to-earnings ratio of 12.80. Foot Locker (NYSE: FL) last announced its earnings results on Friday, March 8th. The company reported $0.73 EPS for the quarter, meeting the Thomson Reuters consensus estimate of $0.73. The company had revenue of $1.71 billion for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $1.69 billion. During the same quarter in the prior year, the company posted $0.55 earnings per share. The company’s quarterly revenue was up 14.0% on a year-over-year basis. On average, analysts predict that Foot Locker will post $2.81 earnings per share for the current fiscal year.

The company also recently declared a quarterly dividend, which is scheduled for Friday, May 3rd. Stockholders of record on Friday, April 19th will be given a dividend of $0.20 per share. This represents a $0.80 dividend on an annualized basis and a yield of 2.47%. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Wednesday, April 17th. This is a boost from Foot Locker’s previous quarterly dividend of $0.18.

Foot Locker, Inc. is a global retailer of athletic shoes and apparel, operating 3,369 primarily mall-based stores in the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand as of January 28, 2