Happy Father’s Day, Benjamin Bernanke - InvestingChannel

Happy Father’s Day, Benjamin Bernanke

I am not sure if Ben has children or had enough social skills to “acquire” a wife by now. Nonetheless, I’d like to wish him a very warm father’s day from the House of iBankCoin, for his selfless, yet domineering, position as “Daddy to All”–as far as money and economic stimulus is concerned.

Thanks to “Father Ben”, us Wall Streeters enjoy many fruits from his laborious labors. Just today I was able to purchase the very latest LED-LCD teevee on the market, along with a state of the art sound system, thanks to Benjamin Bernanke.

Thanks Dad!

Next week I am having 10 trees removed, stumps removed too, from my property and having a few oaks planted, along with 10 mature boxwood bushes.

Thanks Dad!

Finally, next week Mrs. Fly intends to purchase some new hardwood flooring for a few rooms upstairs, along with some base moulding.

Once again, thank you Father Ben.