The CCCP (Corrupt, Complicit, Corporate Presstitutes) – Russ Winter - InvestingChannel

The CCCP (Corrupt, Complicit, Corporate Presstitutes) – Russ Winter

This is a syndicated repost courtesy of Winter Actionables. To view original, click here. “Even the most efficient propaganda system is unable to maintain the proper attitudes among the population for long. Fundamental social and economic problems cannot be swept under the rug for ever.” -Noam Chomsky

Going back to 2006, I’ve used the term government Ministry of Truth (MoT) to describe the sistema of propaganda in the U.S. The whole concept of corporate capture, looting and manipulation is not unfamiliar to me. But I now consider the MoT to be the good old days. From watching the handling of recent events, in particular the Snowden event, I have a new term: CCCP (Russian acronym for the old USSR), the corrupt, complicit, corporate presstitutes arm of the MoT.

Among the things the Snowden experience exposes, aside from unconstitutional intelligence spying, � is the CCCP media. We can see now more than ever that talent and integrity were tossed aside long ago for useful idiots who tow the line.

It many respects it’s worse than CCCP, as honest journalists wind up having accidents with no logical explanation because they ticked off somebody within the sistema (Michael Hastings-Crashes of Convenience). � In this program listen starting at 29:00 about how cars can be electronically hacked and remotely controlled. Today for the first time in my life I don’t even feel comfortable writing this rant.

Now because of CCCP’s sniveling, subservient, � dishonest methods, no whistleblower could ever consider going to the big media with any big story or show-stopper insights. This has reduced the U.S. media to a pattern of shilling, infotainment propaganda and declining viewership. They deliberately and systematically misinform the public and try to control messaging.

Even MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry, who once had some residual credibility with her fans, has joined into the shill parade to perform a hit piece for her messiah, Presidente Hopium. But Hopium’s crowd control nowadays has a thin veneer. He has lost his touch. Thus, Harris-Perry was meet with intense derision even from her progressive fans. View the ridiculous and totally lacking in perspective video she put out and then read some of the comments.

The only good news in these travesties is that these networks seem to be cutting their own throats.� MSNBC’s (State Television) ratings are at a six-year low, losing heavily among younger progressives even before MHP blew herself up with a hand grenade. CNBC, always a stooge network, is coming unraveled as GOP propagandist Larry Kudlow ratings down 60%, and James Kramer off 50%. � So propaganda is becoming bad business, but somehow I don’t think that will stop it.

I won’t even go into the number the U.S. has done on itself internationally by its behavior as a bully as well as a Big Brother spy. It wasn’t Edward Snowden that forced the Bolivian president to land in Vienna. My final rant:� This country and the despicable slobs who have made their way to the top are an embarrassment to the foundations of America. � And we all know how the movie is to going to end — a brutal time of economic chaos and disorder, organized and disorganized crime, poverty and wholesale corruption.

Bastante! (enough). I will follow with Part II of my game plan: My research and investigation of the most little d democratic, least corrupt country in Latin America, Uruguay, and my plans to go there this fall, � perhaps for good.