Activist investing: When hedge funds and other investment managers publicly disclose new holdings after normal trading hours, some investors can be caught off-guard. Last Friday, activist Barry Rosenstein‘s Jana Partners reported a 13.5% stake in Outerwall Inc (NASDAQ:OUTR) minutes before the market’s close and shares were up almost 9% after hours. Due to the promising potential of hedge fund piggybacking (discover how investors can beat the market), we’ll take a look at this move.
To start this week, Outerwall’s stock finished Monday up another 4% as investors pondered if Jana could instigate meaningful change. In its original filing, the hedge fund mentioned plans to initiate a “review of strategic alternatives” at the automated kiosk company, including a whole or partial sale of some assets, and a potential capital return program.
A buyout or breakup
Aside from the obvious attractiveness of introducing a dividend and share buyback plan, Jana’s desire to explore a breakup or buyout is intriguing. Acquisition rumors have circled Outerwall before, most recently when Providence Equity Partners lost a takeover bid last summer.
As the Wall Street Journal reported last month, Outerwall’s Redbox division did not meet the company’s expectations this summer, though it’s difficult to think it would shed the movie rental business that makes up most of its revenues. Any Redbox sale would likely be a part of an Outerwall merger with a larger bidder.
A partial sale, on the other hand, could involve any one of Outerwall’s other kiosk segments, including Coinstar and ecoATM. The company also has a few experimental projects, including: 1) Star Studio photo booths, 2) SoloHealth health monitoring stations (partial stake), 3) Alula gift card-to-cash exchange machines, and 4) Rubi kiosks that serve Seattle’s Best coffee. If Jana thinks Outerwall could be best served by focusing only on core operations, multiple divestitures would be reasonable.
The valuation
While it’s unclear exactly what Jana’s eventual aim will be, there’s no denying that Outerwall’s business is priced very cheaply at the moment. The company is expected to hit $2.5 billion in annual revenue by 2014, yet it trades at a market capitalization below $1.7 billion. Sell-side analysts expect earnings to grow by 20% a year over the next half-decade, but the market is valuing this growth at a paltry PEG of 0.7—lowest amongst Outerwall’s specialty retail peers (with at least $1 billion in market cap).
To be fair, the stock trades at low multiples for a reasonable secular concern. Outerwall’s doubters assert Redbox cannot survive in a world of digital streaming dominated by Netflix, Inc. (NASDAQ:NFLX) and, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN). Broader-thinking bears, meanwhile, argue that a future where customers would want to pick up different types of items at individual kiosks is wishful thinking.