Irish Democratic Decomissioning - InvestingChannel

Irish Democratic Decomissioning

The demonstration Oct 11 th will assemble at 2 pm at the Garden of Remembrance, and will proceed from there down D’Olier Street and back up Westmoreland Street, finishing at the GPO.  Wear blue.

From one end of the country to another, people are protesting against the Water Tax. And this is right and proper.

Since the 2008 collapse, the strategy has been to protect the bankers and bondholders, and they’ll protect the rest of us. There’s been a very deliberate redistribution of wealth. And not in a good way. The Water Tax is just another part of that.Eventually,Irish Water will be sold – along with the database they’re compiling of our personal data – to a private consortium, as ministers cheerfully tell us they’re “recouping money for the taxpayer”. 

Democracy is about choice. What we have now is the periodic casting of a vote that can – at best – rotate the personnel implementing the same policies.


They’re decommissioning democracy