Your Art: It’s not me. It’s you. - InvestingChannel

Your Art: It’s not me. It’s you.

Your Art: It’s not me. It’s you.’ is an art project I am crowdfunding through Max Keiser’s startJOIN platform. I had the idea whilst I was compiling my previous art-book, Your Face, with the sentiment that it would be cool to compile an art-book of other, everyday, people’s art (like some kind of guerrilla curator). Your Face, also crowdfunded through startJOIN, gave me the opportunity to publish a book of my own artwork and I want to be able to provide such an opportunity for other artists – “Why should they publish their art through you and not do it themselves?” I hear you say: Well, some artists that I have already been in contact with regarding this project are not so computer literate and need a “middle-man” to publish their art; others would just like to be part of a collective alternative to the already established artists and art-books (Russell Brand is always banging on about collectivism these days and he is right, we do need to find our own collective alternatives; this is one of them). The word ‘established’ can be read as the already popular artists or as the establishmented (made up word, I know), the artists that are funded by the war machine itself, by oligarchs and royals and art galleries sponsored by corruption. The Tate Modern and Tate Britain, for example, are sponsored by AIG, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Deutsche Bank, HSBC and Morgan Stanley, to name but a few – When I was coming up with this idea, a successful artist cousin of mine said that “there are so many artists out there who would love to have their work published in a book” and this gave me the motivation to actually try to realise the thought. However, I can only realise this with the essential help of my fellow artists (whilst I’m on the subject, I must say how honoured I am to be mentioned in The Artist Taxi Driver’s recent video, ‘Westmonster: The artists are coming for you!’, and if you don’t sponsor my project, please please please sponsor his ‘Westmonster: The Movie’ project. It is essential! The artists really are coming for you, Westmonster.)

Westmonster: They Live You Kip

Artwork by Mother Shipton for The Artist Taxi Driver

So, please, realise that art is essential in any revolution and the establishment is afraid of the artist because of this; for their insight, for their free-thinking and provocation. We do need to collectivise, and for the artist to collectivise, that is a very beautiful, and potentially powerful, prospect. The sooner artists move away from big business and big benefactors, the better – Fuck that shit!

Artwork by Mother Shipton for Sean Fahey

Artwork by Mother Shipton for Sean Fahey

… Here comes the bit where I ask for your money ;-) Not in the way that they beg for you to vote for them on The X-Factor or Britain’s Got Talent or whatever, run by huge corporations, hosted by amoral human beings, loved by countless millions, no. In this way: Please support my art project, Your Art: It’s not me. It’s you., if you want to. All I’m asking for is £1 and I will include your art in the book (£1/JPEG) – I accept Bitcoin and Startcoin. If I don’t receive enough support this time around, I’m sure that this book will be made sooner or later because this is the way forward for art, so it might as well be now. Art is releasing itself from the stranglehold of the rich, as is society. Is art a reflection of life? Or is life a reflection of art? (to quote Oscar Wilde). You decide.

Your Art: It's not me. It's you.

Your Art: It’s not me. It’s you.

As is the way of the internet, I expect to receive some negative comments on this post and in anticipation of that, I say – in the words of The Prodigy – “People like you just fuel my fire!”
