Saturday Cinema With Le Fly: Dr. Strangelove - InvestingChannel

Saturday Cinema With Le Fly: Dr. Strangelove

Holy shit this was a good movie. This was one of the first Kubrick movies that I watched after Barry Lyndon and had zero expectations. I thought it’d be dated, hammy, slapstick comedy, in the school of Jerry Lewis. But this movie is just as relevant and fresh today as it was when it was made, in 1964.

One of my favorite actors, George C. Scott, plays a lunatic general in this movie, not so different from the role he played in Patton, only with a lot more comedy. It’s interesting to note that this movie pre-dates Patton and might’ve been the reason why Scott was chosen for that glorious role.

Look you, don’t just take my word for it. Go rent the damned thing and enjoy the splendid horrors of imminent nuclear war.