Still In Shock - InvestingChannel

Still In Shock

The movie theater shooting happened just minutes away from my new home. This is the very theater my family and I frequent. My heart goes out to the victims, especially to the families of the two women who lost their lives in another senseless act.

My Facebook stream is full of groups waiting in line to take classes to carry and conceal weapons now. It will take a while for our community to get over this horrific event.

I’ve read that this picture below was designed by one of the two ladies killed last night, Mrs. Jillian E. Johnson.

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This picture represents our city well. We have a tight knit city, one that has been recognized as the happiest city in the United States, one full of love.

Rest in peace to the two women killed: Mayci Breaux & Mrs. Mrs. Jillian E. Johnson

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