The Chickens Come Home To Roost - InvestingChannel

The Chickens Come Home To Roost

12-3-2015 7-43-55 PM chickens

Troubles were building up over the best price for generic cialis past year especially given the Fed’s desperate desire to raise interest rates.

Their folly is due to having left monetary policies at “emergency” levels for far too long.

After all, according to their logic, economic conditions have been “awesome” since the recession ended in early 2010. They then chose to leave QE 2 and 3 in place allowing bulls to get hooked on this drug. Removing those 6 years too late leaves addicted bulls unprepared for the withdrawal.

Thursday the ECB’s Mario Draghi was counted on to cut interest rates further, and when he didn’t, European stock, currency and roulette online bond markets were shell-shocked. The reaction was a hissy-fit

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