Long ago, in a GOP far, far away - InvestingChannel

Long ago, in a GOP far, far away

Here’s something I didn’t know:

Such vitriolic sentiment stands in stark contrast to the unifying message of the most recent GOP occupant of the White House, President George W. Bush, in whose administration I was honored to serve for both terms. During the 2000 campaign for example, Bush praised the faith of Americans who regularly attended a “church, synagogue, or mosque,” met with Muslim American supporters across the country, and visited a prominent Islamic center in Michigan — the first major presidential candidate from either party to do so. The GOP convention in Philadelphia was the first in either national party’s history to feature a Muslim prayer. And after Muslim American community leaders expressed their civil liberties concerns regarding a provision of Clinton’s 1996 immigration enforcement legislation, Bush publicly promised to repeal the provision in the second presidential debate with Vice President Al Gore.

Bush’s inclusive efforts earned him the endorsement of eight major Muslim American organizations. By election day, more than 70 percent of the Muslim vote — including 46,200 ballots in just Florida — went in his favor. And after his 2001 swearing-in, Bush appointed a record number of Muslim Americans to senior positions in the White House and throughout his new administration.

I know, in a close election any bloc of votes could be viewed as decisive.  But raise your hand if you knew the GOP won 70% of Muslim votes in 2000.

Raise you hand if you think they’ll win 70% in 2016.

Fortunately the GOP hasn’t been demonizing other groups like blacks, Mexicans, Chinese, Japanese, etc.

PS.  Saw Star Wars today.