The World As We’ve Known It Might End in 2016… Good! Bring on the New Free World! - InvestingChannel

The World As We’ve Known It Might End in 2016… Good! Bring on the New Free World!

The dollar is dying, the global economy is collapsing and we’re headed toward World War III.

But I’m in the mood to celebrate …

Why is that? Because I do not respect this cursed system and cannot wait until it topples over of its own weight and crumbles into dust.

No one knows how it will play out exactly. But I am certainly expecting the end of this accursed New World Order.

In fact, people don’t understand how close it is to death. But it is, thanks to people like YOU. All our TDV subscribers, readers, watchers, lurkers and supporters. A universe of at least a million. And of course many more we haven’t reached yet.

This is nothing new, by the way.

It happened after Rome fell when the Dark Ages ushered in a much freer time.

It happened after the printing press was invented that helped end the monopoly of the Roman Catholic Church.

The cancer revived itself during the 20th century and spread like poison, incredibly violent and controlling, centralizing authority everywhere.

Governments, backed by central banks caused hundreds of millions of deaths via false flag violence and genocidal world wars.


But the change came suddenly. DARPA developed the INTERnet and then others developed the personal computer. DARPA meant for the INTERnet to help universities design better killing machines that the Pentagon could use. But suddenly anybody could use this wonderful electronic tool to publish whatever they wanted.

And almost right away the internet turned libertarian. This was a shock to the powers-that-be but not one that was much remarked upon because soon the word went out: The reality of the internet was not to be mentioned. The authoritarian world of the early 21st century firmly maintained that individuals were most comfortable with the boot on their neck and a heel grinding into their face.

If people wanted progress, they would naturally vote for more taxes. If people wanted more jobs, they’d vote for a bigger government that could provide it to them. If people wanted a better life, they’d vote for the man that promised to redistribute the most resources. That was what the media told us to think anyway. And some of us believed it, even some of us who should have known better.

If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever. – George Orwell

The Internet changed all that. Suddenly common sense economics was rediscovered. And 150 years of free-market philosophy, buried under the rubble of human emancipation began to be unearthed. Menger … Mises … Hayek … Rothbard. Their names resounded with the force of sledgehammers and by the time a decade had passed, the Dark Ages of the 20th century had been dismantled.

The evil of narrative of human enslavement had been cleared away and many of us – for the first time in our lives – could see the illumination beyond.

We could see a world without war, without an economic system that ruined most who participated in it, without corporate bigness supported by judicial fiat, without monopoly central banking that allowed a handful of soulless psychopaths to control the world through money power.

Libertarianism began to grow. Countless websites discovered “human action” and the concept of freely circulating private money. They discovered the logical fallacies at the heart of western democracy, fallacies that had been torturously woven into the fabric of society so thoroughly and deviously that without the internet and its electronic voices crying out against tyranny we might never have noticed.

But we have. In fact, we have lived long enough to see “their” counterattack, the demonizing of libertarianism, the smearing of Mises and Rothbard – as if by attacking people one could devalue the ideas they presented.

In fact, people are only human but ideas stand on their own. Free-market thinking has swept the world and in the process has proven its validity and durability.

There are issues with some of its messengers, as there always are. And in hindsight we can see a body of thought determinedly developed by brilliant individuals in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries contained certain logical fallacies that went unnoticed at the time but have become more prominent as more people scrutinize what’s come before.


And thus a third wave in these modern times. We can count perhaps count Ronald Reagan’s lip service to Adam Smith as the beginning of the current trend. Then the internet came along and allowed the presentation of libertarianism buttressed by Austrian, free-market perspectives.

And now anarchism or anarcho-capitalism: The final solution, liberty’s end-game.

It is growing! Ten years ago no one had even heard the word “libertarian”. As Murray Rothbard, the luminary of the modern libertarian and anarcho-capitalist movements, said (“How Murray Rothbard Became an Anarchist“):

“We started off with two or three people and it escalated to about eight people after about ten years… but we figured some day in the not-too-distant future, everyone will be a libertarian and we’ll be trying to figure out why someone isn’t a libertarian.”

We aren’t quite there yet, but it is coming. Today, some CNBC anchors proudly call themselves anarcho-capitalists (they aren’t, in my opinion, but the fact that they say they are is a big change), Fox TV’s Judge Napolitano is an anarcho-capitalist, and now Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopoulos has also stated he is an anarcho-capitalist, and will be speaking at our upcoming Anarchapulco summit.

“End the Fed” type movements continue to rise including most recently in Switzerland and Austrian economics teachings continue to spread while new, decentralized currency like bitcoin have blossomed (CNBC: Bitcoin, A Favorite of Crypto-Anarchists, is One of 2015 Biggest Winners).

Homeschooling and unschooling have become more popular as people realize that government schools are indoctrination camps. People are looking to get back to fresh, organic food, and exercise for their health with things like yoga and meditation. People are cutting the cord to their TVs and looking to the internet for their source of news and information. Slowly, peaceful parenting is becoming more widespread as some realize that violently abusing their children may not be the best way to treat defenseless kids.

This is the reason I started TDV and have stayed it with through all the tough times (and there have been plenty). But I have chosen this hard road because nothing else makes sense to me and when I look at my children’s faces there really is no other option.

I founded a US$240 million company when I was just 22. I could have written my own ticket to any major corporation in the world. As a young internet entrepreneur, I was fending off offers from Fortune 500 companies on a regular basis.

Instead I tried to sail around the world, sank my catamaran in El Salvador, went on to visit nearly 100 countries to self-educate and learned about Austrian economics. And then I founded TDV.

It’s been harder and at the same time more gratifying than I could ever have expected. But when I look at what I’ve chosen to stand for and what I am able to communicate on a daily basis, I wouldn’t change my decisions for anything.

Sure I’ve stumbled and fallen – as all of us do. But the important thing is to get back up again. And the most important thing is to stand for something, SOMETHING, goddammit, and make sure you hold on to your beliefs and continue to contribute to the conversation that you’ve helped create.

I know I’m “preaching to the choir” here, because if you read TDV, you know a great deal of what I’m talking about. But I’m restating it because I want you to join this fight with me.

Just as you’ve made the TDV newsletter one of the largest of its kind, with thousands of new subscribers, so I hope you’ll join us at the Anarchapulco conference and the TDV investment summit preceding it.

The conference should speak for itself – with wonderful speakers presenting informational and inspirational messages in a beautiful setting in one of the most anarchic cities in the world, Acapulco.

This is all part of a massive change going on thanks to the internet and its ability to spread ideas widely.

And we’ve already begun to see it. Rick Falkvinge, an anarcho-capitalist, and founder of the Pirate Party, that has had major success throughout Europe, will be speaking at Anarchapulco. And Vit Jedlicka, an anarcho-capitalist that has claimed the land between Croatia and Serbia as an anarcho-capitalist region will also be at Anarchapulco.

We are on the cusp of great doings. And the best place to be part of it is at Anarchapulco. Check it out at TDV will also be hosting a one-day Internationalization & Investment Summit the day before the conference which you can also find out more about here.

To see what it is all about, just check out this video.

With the kind of massive changes we are verging upon it is better to be ahead of the curve than behind it.

I want you to be there to be a part of history. If you join us – and hundreds did last year – we can show the world increasingly that believing in liberty is not just an idealistic fashion to be discarded once you experience the “real world.”

No, in this day and age the “third wave” – the final wave – is about to swamp the war-mongering authoritarianism that haunts our lives and times like a plague.

Let’s make such a big splash that they’ll have to send out secret memos to the big boy publishers instructing them not to cover what’s going on.

But we’ll know. That’s because we’ve spent three days together building something new, different and promising.

Spend three days with like-minded people who have the guts and determination to try to leave something BETTER to their children.

Sure the food will be good, and it’s held on one of the most beautiful bays in the world in balmy temperatures on the beach. But, the information and camaraderie will be even better. The real issue is your SUPPORT. I’ve done what I can. I’ve thrown every last bit of resources I have into building TDV – and now planning and funding these conferences. It’ll never make me rich – or not the way I could have been if I’d taken some of the Fortune 500 offers. But fuck them.

I want to meet YOU at Anarchapulco. I want to be surrounded by people who care about the future and intend to do something about it.

So PLEASE come join me. Anarchapulco, including all its workshops and summits, will be held from February 17th-23rd in Acapulco – and again, to find out more about it, click here...

“Few evils are greater in these blessed United States, than the officiousness of the law-making powers. They meddle with everything, and derange every thing—from our intercourse with foreign empires, down to the oyster trade… the great mass are gulled in these matters-they have an idea that the learned fathers in legislation can concoct a panacea for all evils. In plain truth, senators and representatives, and assembly men, are no more and no better than other men.”

-Walt Whitman, libertarian poet from his essay,”Reform It Altogether,” March 22, 1842

Originally Appeared At The Dollar Vigilante