Donald Trump’s Speech at AIPAC Demonstrates Why He Will Be America’s Next President - InvestingChannel

Donald Trump’s Speech at AIPAC Demonstrates Why He Will Be America’s Next President

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The only question in play right now when it comes to the election is whether or not the American public is prepared to take an enormous gamble on Donald Trump when the only alternative is the creepy status quo political creature that is Hillary Clinton. My answer is yes.

However, it’s not merely a willingness to take such a gamble that will likely propel Trump into the Oval Office, it’s also a function of his talents. For all his flaws, Trump has many unique gifts. I’ve identified three so far: Force of personality, self-awareness and an uncanny ability to tell people what they want to hear. It’s that last one that most helps him in the political arena, and it’s also why he’s been able to lay waste to all the career politicians in his path. It’s also the one which was on full display during his speech yesterday to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC.

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