Potential “Systemic Crisis In Eurozone” After Italy Votes No, Renzi Resigns - InvestingChannel

Potential “Systemic Crisis In Eurozone” After Italy Votes No, Renzi Resigns

Italy Votes No, Renzi Resigns – Potential “Systemic Crisis In Eurozone”

Italy’s Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has said he will officially resign Monday, after voters apparently rejected his proposals for constitutional reform. What should investors keep an eye out for after his defeat?

Although the referendum on Sunday was officially on Renzi’s plan for legislative overhaul, it was widely seen in Italy as a vote of confidence in the prime minister and his government. In voting “no” — projections suggest 59% of those in the ballot made that choice — the Italians have set the stage for an early election and perhaps given local populist parties the chance to deliver a Brexit- or Trump-style shake-up.

But if the political uncertainty lasts, the fallout from the vote could have an effect not only within Italy — on its already embattled banks, for instance — but also beyond the borders of the boot-shaped country.

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