Truth and Consequences - InvestingChannel

Truth and Consequences

Trump is not like normal people.  His statements about the world are not aimed at being true or false, but rather useful in advancing his interests, or not useful.

In recent decades a cornerstone of world peace has been the globally accepted proposition that there is one China, not two.  This is accepted by almost all governments, and indeed is a part of Taiwan’s constitution.  The issue was completely settled, until now:

In his remarks on Sunday, however, Mr Trump suggested the One China policy could in fact be treated as a bargaining chip, rather than as the bedrock of relations between the world’s two largest economies. “I don’t know why we have to be bound by the One China policy unless we make a deal with China on other things,” the president-elect said.

Interestingly, my commenters often wrongly accuse Richard Rorty as having this sort of relationship with the truth.  But Trump really does seem to think truth is whatever he wants it to be.  His statement increases the probability of war between the mainland and Taiwan (albeit in absolute terms the probability is still quite low.) It also puts to rest any ideas that Trump would stop being a reckless buffoon after being elected, and would “get serious”.  Sorry Trumpistas, Trump acted like an idiot during the campaign and he’ll act like an idiot as president.

Just recently, Trump ridiculed CIA claims that the Russians tried to influence the election with leaks aimed at Hillary:

President-elect Donald Trump trashed the reported assessment by the Central Intelligence Agency that Russia interfered in the U.S. presidential election in an effort to help him win the White House, calling it “just another excuse” pushed by the Democrats to undercut his stunning victory.