China Gold & Precious Metals Summit 2016 – GoldCore Presentation - InvestingChannel

China Gold & Precious Metals Summit 2016 – GoldCore Presentation

China Gold and Precious Metals Summit 2016 – GoldCore Presentation

The China Gold and Precious Metals Summit 2016, the 11th Summit convened by the China Gold Association and the Shanghai Gold Exchange took place on December 7th and 8th and GoldCore presented at  the event and moderated an expert panel discussion.

China Gold and Precious Metal

China Gold and Precious Metals Summit 2016 – Panel Discussion with Stephen Flood

China’s leading gold conference was attended by over 250 gold industry professionals from across the value chain including mining companies, refiners & fabricators, bullion dealers, government and private mints, exchanges, investment & bullion banks, brokerage firms, money managers, trading houses, jewelers, consultancies, service providers, policymakers and central banks.


The conference highlighted innovation in the gold industry and market, the opening-up of China’s gold market, the implications for China’s gold industry from the country’s Belt and Road Initiative and RMB internationalization strategy, price trends and supply & demand outlook for gold, silver and platinum group metals amidst growing uncertainty sweeping wider financial markets, a scaling back of expectations for further rate hikes from the Fed and rising concerns over moves towards negative interest rates.

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