Italy's bitter bank rescue tsar bemoans lack of strategy - InvestingChannel

Italy’s bitter bank rescue tsar bemoans lack of strategy

The head of Italy’s bank-bailout fund said on Tuesday the country lacked a clear strategy for shifting 356 billion euros ($381 billion) in problem loans… “There is no clear vision of the problem and no strategy,” Penati said at a financial conference in Milan, suggesting that he was virtually working alone on rescues that had revealed “horror stories” within some banks.

Penati said his job had taken him inside some dark corners of Italian banking. “I had never looked at banks from the inside … I was stunned they are run in this way,” he said.

He said Atlante’s investors had shown “zero long-sightedness” for declining to invest more in the fund, which has used 80 percent of its money to rescue two banks in northeast Italy — Veneto Banca and Banca Popolare di Vicenza. Both these lenders now need more capital.

Intesa has devalued its stake in Atlante by 33 percent and a source has said rival UniCredit could write it down by as much as 70 percent.