(Un)Affordable Housing Alert! FHFA Purchase-Only Home Price Index Rises 6.3% YoY For July (4.5x Fed’s “Inflation” Rate and 2.73x Wage Growth) - InvestingChannel

(Un)Affordable Housing Alert! FHFA Purchase-Only Home Price Index Rises 6.3% YoY For July (4.5x Fed’s “Inflation” Rate and 2.73x Wage Growth)

The FHFA’s purchase-only home price index is out for July. It shows that home prices grew at a 6.3% YoY rate, but only 0.2% MoM.

The post (Un)Affordable Housing Alert! FHFA Purchase-Only Home Price Index Rises 6.3% YoY For July (4.5x Fed’s “Inflation” Rate and 2.73x Wage Growth) was originally published at The Wall Street Examiner. Follow the money!