Russia Unveils 'CryptoRuble' As Assange Thanks US Govt For His 50,000% Gain On Bitcoin - InvestingChannel

Russia Unveils ‘CryptoRuble’ As Assange Thanks US Govt For His 50,000% Gain On Bitcoin

“In 2010 – following the release of sensitive government documents related to wars in Afghanistan and Iraq – John McCain and Joe Lieberman led a bipartisan attempt to cut off WikiLeaks funding by forcing ‘traditional’ payment systems to block them… [meanwhile,] Russian President Vladimir Putin has officially stated that Russia will issue its own ‘CryptoRuble’ at a closed door meeting in Moscow, according to local news sources… According to the official, the state issued cryptocurrency cannot be mined and will be issued and controlled and maintained only by the authorities. The CryptoRubles can be exchanged for regular Rubles at any time, though if the holder is unable to explain where the CryptoRubles came from, a 13 percent tax will be levied.