Jolted! Job Openings Leap By 472,000 To All-Time High 6.55 Million - InvestingChannel

Jolted! Job Openings Leap By 472,000 To All-Time High 6.55 Million

The monthly JOLTS report for March revealed an additional 472k job openings in the US economy. That brings that grand total of US job openings to 6.55 million. The JOLTs measures the number of specific job  openings in an economy. Job vacancies generally include either newly created or unoccupied positions  (or those that are about … Continue reading Jolted! Job Openings Leap By 472,000 To All-Time High 6.55 Million

The post Jolted! Job Openings Leap By 472,000 To All-Time High 6.55 Million was originally published at The Wall Street Examiner. Follow the money!