The Fed Is Behind Schedule, But Not by Much. Here’s How We Know… - InvestingChannel

The Fed Is Behind Schedule, But Not by Much. Here’s How We Know…

The Fed has shed $293 billion in assets since mid-October 2017, just before the first cuts under the Fed’s balance sheet “normalization” program. It started at the rate of $10 billion a month in October 2017, and has increased that by $10 billion per month every quarter.

As of October 2018, the rate of money expungement is now scheduled at $50 billion per month, where it is scheduled to remain for the duration of the program.

They’re close to their targets, and they’re going to continue to at least attempt to hit them.

And that’s bad news for the stock and bond markets.

Here’s why, and what you should do about it.

The post The Fed Is Behind Schedule, But Not by Much. Here’s How We Know… appeared first on Lee Adler’s Sure Money.