Amedisys falls 5% to $112.04 after Citron puts $50 target on shares - InvestingChannel

Amedisys falls 5% to $112.04 after Citron puts $50 target on shares

Andrew Left’s Citron Research put a $50 price target on shares of Amedisys (AMED) in a new report posted on its website. The stock in midday trading is down 6%, or $6.49, to $113.40. Wall Street has ignored the structural change that is occurring in the company’s business model, Citron writes. Between patient-driven groupings model, Medicare Advantage and lower hospice reimbursements, “EVERYTHING has changed,” says the firm best known for short selling the names it covers. The firm believes that “hospice fraud has been widespread for years” at the company. Citron calls Amedisys the “most vulnerable name in healthcare.”