Ford reports Q4 adjusted EPS 12c, consensus 15c - InvestingChannel

Ford reports Q4 adjusted EPS 12c, consensus 15c

Reports Q4 revenue $39.7B, consensus $36.49B. Fourth-quarter adjusted free cash flow was $498 million, down 67 percent. The company reported a Q4 net loss of $1.7 billion, or negative 42 cents per share, which includes a previously disclosed $2.2 billion pension and OPEB remeasurement loss. Adjusted earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) were $485 million, down 67 percent, with improved results in China and Europe more than offset by a decline in North America. Revenue was $39.7 billion, down 5 percent. Ford’s Automotive EBIT for the quarter was $215 million, 81 percent lower. Gains in net pricing and product mix, particularly in North America, were more than offset by lower launch-related volumes; higher costs for new products; unfavorable currency exchange; and UAW contractrelated costs.