Facebook’s New Oversight Board To Launch Ahead Of U.S. Presidential Election - InvestingChannel

Facebook’s New Oversight Board To Launch Ahead Of U.S. Presidential Election

Social media powerhouse Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ:FB) is finally launching its independent Oversight Board.

The long-delayed Oversight Board will launch in late October, just before the November U.S. presidential election, the company said. The Oversight Board was announced by Facebook in response to criticism of its handling of problematic content on its platform.

The board will initially have the power to review decisions to take down posts from Facebook and Instagram and recommend policy changes.

Some experts have criticized Facebook’s Oversight Board, saying that it will not help to combat misinformation because it will have no authority to evaluate posts that the company decides to leave up on its site.

The Oversight Board’s launch was originally planned for last year but had been delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic. It is not known if the Oversight Board will hear cases about content connected to the upcoming U.S. presidential election.