California appellate court affirms Uber, Lyft must make drivers employees - InvestingChannel

California appellate court affirms Uber, Lyft must make drivers employees

A California appellate court affirmed an earlier trial court decision requiring Uber Technologies (UBER) and Lyft (LYFT) to properly classify their drivers as employees which are owed paycheck protections and worker benefits. California Attorney General Xavier Becerra said he “secured another major court victory blocking Uber’s and Lyft’s unlawful actions classifying their drivers as ‘independent contractors’.” In statement, Becerra said, “The decision by the state appellate court in San Francisco follows an earlier preliminary injunction against the companies issued by a trial court that required the companies to properly classify their drivers. The appellate court had stayed the lower court’s ruling pending review by the appellate court. Per the appellate court ruling today, the preliminary injunction will now go back into effect 30 days after the case is officially sent back to the trial court and the companies will be required to properly classify their drivers in California while litigation is ongoing.”