New Cars And Trucks Sold In Canada Must Be Fully Electric By 2035 - InvestingChannel

New Cars And Trucks Sold In Canada Must Be Fully Electric By 2035

The federal government in Ottawa has announced that, by 2035, all new cars and light-duty trucks sold in Canada must be zero-emission vehicles.

Previously, the government had set 2040 as the target for when it wants to see all passenger vehicles sold powered by electricity rather than gasoline.

By 2050, Canada has committed that its economy will either emit no greenhouse gas emissions or offset the heat-trapping pollution driving climate change by other measures.

Next to the oil and gas sector, transportation has historically been Canada’s second largest contributor of greenhouse gas emissions, with light-duty passenger trucks and cars being the largest culprits in that category.

Ottawa has already poured at least $600 million into a rebate program that offers consumers a break when they buy new electric vehicles in hopes to get more of them on the road. The existing program offers buyers an upfront discount of up to either $5,000 or $2,500 and sellers then must claim the incentives to be reimbursed.

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