A small cap’s subsidiary just announced that it has entered into a manufacturing agreement with iBOT Israel-Botanicals Ltd. for a new product line of herbal products and supplements under the brand name of “Green Botanicals”. Shares of the parent company, Citrine Global Corp (OTCQB:CTGL) rallied strongly on the news.
Citrine Global is engaged in developing Israeli technologies and solutions and bringing them to global markets. It has developed a platform of operational innovation centers that create ecosystems for the health, wellness, botanicals, and medical cannabis industries. The company has a team and network of partners that include experts with a track record in technology, high-tech, biotech, investment, entrepreneurship, real estate, finance, and strategic business development.
The market took an optimistic view of this news as shares climbed up to a session-high of $0.085/share (+16.44%) following the announcement. This move is a strong continuation of the trend reversal that has been unfolding over the last three months