Committing suicide in slow motion - InvestingChannel

Committing suicide in slow motion

Naturally I’m referring to the Democrats. Have you ever seen a political party so bound and determined to lose power?

1. Bloomberg has an article on how the Democrats are trying to destroy the highly popular and effective charter school movement.

With this year’s midterms looming and control of Congress hanging in the balance, Republicans are making inroads with voters by focusing on education, portraying Democrats as out of touch with the concerns of parents and captive to teachers unions.

Unfortunately, the Department of Education risks playing into their hands with a proposal to restrict funding for public charter schools that’s bad politics and even worse policy. It’s critical that the White House intervene before it’s too late.

As if voters weren’t already disgusted with the Dems for shutting down the public schools for far too long during Covid.

2. Josh Marshall points out that the Dems are missing an opportunity to hang Ukraine around the GOP’s neck:

But the first, second and third most important thing about this poll is that this is what you get when you’re not reminding Americans every day — and I mean every god-damned day — that the GOP has spent the last 7 years boosting, allying with and even conspiring with Russia. . .

This is so obvious I don’t see the need to even rehearse all the details and the bill of particulars. This is just losing the game because you didn’t put a team on the field. Political messaging, political storytelling isn’t a one and done or binary thing. You don’t seize on the silver bullet message and then the waters part in front of you. But there’s only so many hours in the day. In a setting like this, when Republicans are attacking Democrats 24/7 you need to carve out some of those hours for Republicans to explain why just three years ago they were helping Presidents Trump and Putin conspire against Ukraine and the United States. Only four years ago eight Republican Senators decided to spend July 4th making fealty to Vladimir Putin in Moscow. The list is endless.

I recall seeing videos of conservative groups literally chanting Putin’s name.

3. Matt Yglesias points out that the Dems are failing to go after Trump on the corruption issue:

4. Meanwhile, Biden keeps promoting policies that raise the cost of living, at a time when inflation is the number one issue. I warned you people that Biden was a buffoon.

Political parties are large organic groups of people with a life of their own. There is no central direction–they evolve according to murky social science laws that no human understands. For some unknown reason the Dems are sleepwalking into electoral suicide, and there doesn’t seem to be anything that anyone can do about it.

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