Top 5 Ways to Trade Rising Uranium Demand - InvestingChannel

Top 5 Ways to Trade Rising Uranium Demand

Uranium prices are regaining a healthy glow. For one, there’s a good deal of global demand, with some countries planning to build even more reactors. Two, we have global leaders attempting to cut back on harmful emissions, which could increase dependency on uranium. In fact, according to Jon Bey, President and CEO of Standard Uranium, as quoted by, “We are starting to see countries around the world accepting nuclear energy. Those countries realize if they want to reach a carbon neutral future, nuclear energy has to be part of the equation.” Three, the world is running into a severe supply-demand issue. Even Cameco President and CEO Tim Gitzel has said, “Uranium supply is becoming less certain due to years of persistently low prices,” as quoted by S&P Global Platts. That being said, investors may want to keep an eye on uranium stocks, such as Anfield Energy Inc. (TSXV: AEC) (OTCQB: ANLDF), Uranium Energy Corp. (NYSE: UEC), Energy Fuels Inc. (NYSE: UUUU) (TSX: EFR), NexGen Energy Ltd. (TSX: NXE) (NYSE: NXE), and Ur-Energy Inc. (TSX: URE) (NYSE: URG).

Look at Anfield Energy Inc. (TSXV: AEC) (OTCQB: ANLDF), For Example

Anfield Energy Inc. just announced that it has completed the settlement of US$18.34 million of indebtedness which was owed to Uranium Energy Corp. The indebtedness was fully settled through the payment to UEC of approximately US$9.17 million in cash from the net proceeds of the Offering (as hereinafter defined) and the issuance to UEC of 96,272,918 units of Anfield, which were issued at a deemed aggregate value of approximately US$9.17 million or US$0.095 (C$0.12) per Debt Unit. Each Debt Unit is comprised of one common share of the Company plus one Common Share purchase warrant, with each Warrant entitling the holder thereof to acquire one Common Share (at a price of C$0.18 until May 12, 2027. The securities underlying the Debt Units are subject to certain resale restrictions. As a result of the Debt Settlement, UEC will become Anfield’s cornerstone shareholder, owning 15.4% on an outstanding basis and 26.7% on a partially diluted basis.

Property Swap

Anfield also announced that it has completed the previously announced asset swap to exchange certain of its properties for properties of UEC. Pursuant to the terms of the Property Swap, Anfield acquired UEC’s interest in the Slick Rock uranium-vanadium property located in San Miguel County, Colorado, in exchange for UEC acquiring Anfield’s in-situ recovery uranium asset portfolio in Wyoming. Slick Rock further consolidates Anfield’s position in the uranium-vanadium rich Uravan Mineral Belt, proximal to the Company’s Shootaring Canyon Mill.

Other related developments from around the markets include:

Uranium Energy Corp. reported that it has now secured an additional 400,000 pounds of U.S. warehoused uranium, expanding its physical uranium program to 5 million pounds U3O8, with delivery dates out to December 2025 at a volume weighted average price of ~$38 per pound. UEC’s physical uranium program represents an unrealized gain of over $125 million based on the current spot price published by TradeTech on April 19, 2022, at $63.25 per pound U3O8. Amir Adnani, President and CEO stated: “A year ago, UEC launched a physical uranium portfolio with 500,000 pounds purchased at a uranium cost basis of less than $30 per pound. The Company has grown the size of our inventory over ten-fold to 5 million pounds by making well-timed purchases near cycle lows that allow us to maintain a low-cost portfolio of ~$38/lb with spot uranium now trading at over $63/lb. At a time of heightened geopolitical uncertainty, UEC has the benefit of secure U.S. warehoused physical inventories. We have also staged our deliveries to receive uranium as far out as December 2025, providing a low-cost stream of physical uranium as we enter this uranium bull market that shows a major structural supply deficit exceeding 215 million pounds by 2026.”

Energy Fuels Inc. reported its financial results for the quarter ended March 31, 2022. “Energy Fuels continues to benefit from increases in the prices for all of the critical elements and materials we produce. Though volatile, uranium prices have continued to exhibit strength and resilience, which we expect to continue as Russia’s invasion in Ukraine continues. As a result of Russia’s aggression, we believe domestic and global nuclear utilities are reducing ties with the Russian state-owned nuclear company. We also believe U.S. uranium and nuclear fuel suppliers may be seeing increased interest from U.S. utilities as a result of the $6 billion civil nuclear credit program, which prioritizes reactors that purchase nuclear fuel and uranium from U.S. suppliers, which would include Energy Fuels,” said President and CEO Mark S. Chalmers.

NexGen Energy Ltd. has been approved for uplisting on the New York Stock Exchange from its current listing on the NYSE American LLC. The Company’s common stock will begin trading under the symbol “NXE” at the opening of trading on March 4, 2022. Leigh Curyer, Chief Executive Officer commented: “The uplisting on the NYSE is a major corporate milestone for NexGen in creating long-term value and an expansion of our global shareholder base. This listing is a demonstration of NexGen’s corporate governance standards, size, liquidity and exceptional value proposition offered to global investors allocating capital to elite ESG entities at a time the demand for reliable and sustainable clean air energy fuel is undergoing a generational transition.”

Ur-Energy Inc. CEO, John Cash said, “The first quarter of 2022 has been an exciting time for our industry with the long-term and spot uranium prices climbing dramatically in response to a growing recognition of nuclear energy’s role in decarbonization, as evidenced by an increasing presence in the industry by financial players. Additionally, threats to the supply of uranium due to geopolitical uncertainty are beginning to overshadow the market. In response to rising uranium prices, and possible supply chain disruptions, we have continued and expanded our drilling and construction program to better position us to quickly ramp up low-cost production from our fully permitted Lost Creek Project when the market improves.

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