Stocks in Play: Fission Uranium Corp. - InvestingChannel

Stocks in Play: Fission Uranium Corp.

Monday, January 23, 2023

9:38 AM EST – Fission Uranium Corp. : Has hired Jeff Pryznyk, Engineering Licensee, A.Sc.T as the Company’s Environmental Manager. Pryznyk is an environment, health and safety professional with two decades of experience working in Saskatchewan, including 15 years in mining. Much of that experience was gained working for uranium producer, Cameco, where he held positions in environmental management and regulatory affairs at Cigar Lake mine during construction and operation. He holds a license to practice engineering in Saskatchewan and is also an applied science technologist. Fission Uranium Corp. (T.FCU) shares were unchanged at 0.89.

Stocks in Play: Fission Uranium Corp. , Mon, 23 Jan 2023 09:42:07 EST

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