Poop-phobic conservatives - InvestingChannel

Poop-phobic conservatives

When did conservatives become such snowflakes? I frequently see conservatives complain that San Francisco has become a hellhole due to feces and needles on the sidewalk. While I didn’t notice that problem when I visited last year, no doubt there’s at least some truth to it. But so what?

When I grew up in Madison (in the 1960s), there was dog poop everywhere. No one picked up after their dogs. Maybe that was just Madison, but I doubt it. I suspect other American cities were the same. If you had told a Madisonian that their city was a hell hole due to dog poop on the sidewalks, they would have looked at you like you were a mentally ill germaphobe. What’s wrong with this guy? Is he one of those obsessive compulsives who wash their hands each day? (Just kidding, I mean 20 times a day.)

Seriously, dog poop on the sidewalk was not a major problem; we didn’t go through our lives obsessing about the issue. (Ditto for the ubiquitous cigarette smoke—no one cared.)

Needles? I don’t know about you, but I generally don’t make a practice of walking through the Tenderloin district barefoot. Get a grip!

San Francisco is actually a wonderful city, with two big problems. One is housing. They need to get rid of residential zoning in order to lower prices. And yet conservatives are turning against free markets in housing!

The other is petty crime. In this case the conservatives are correct. They need to arrest and imprison shoplifters and those crazy people on the sidewalk who repeatedly harass respectable people. Is it still political correct to say that? If not, feel free to cancel me.

PS. Not only was Madison not a hellhole, according to Life magazine it was the best place to live in America (in 1948). And America was the best country. And I lived in the best area of Madison (the westside). Ah, the good life.

But there’s a snake in the grass. See that dog in the picture? That mom is letting her little girls play near dog poop:

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