Exciting News About Where The Juice Is Headed - InvestingChannel

Exciting News About Where The Juice Is Headed

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Exciting News About Where The Juice Is Headed

Every once in a while, The Juice likes to take a look at where we’ve been and where we’re headed. 

So, let’s do that today. 

As we wrap up October, we’re about to enter the season of being thankful. Sometimes, looking around the world, then at your or maybe your kids’ world, can be a downer. 

Here at The Juice, we do what we can to help distract you from the global ills that can make us all feel helpless with our best attempts at snark and humor. Alongside these respites, we include information, analysis and opinions about the money-related issues we think matter most to our subscribers. 

For us, these issues are: 

  • The general economy, in particular around cost of living and consumer debt.
  • Housing, with a focus on affordability and opportunity. 
  • What’s going on in the stock market, focusing on strategies and ideas to help make you a better investor.
  • General personal finance, with the goal to help you save and be better with money.

We chose to focus on housing in October because the subject impacts all of us one way or the other. And within housing, we hit each one of the above bullet points multiple times throughout the month. 

At the end of today’s installment, we provide links to each story we published in our October Housing is Haunted series.

But first … 

A quick preview of how we plan to continue crushing these bullet points throughout the holiday season, into 2024 and beyond. 

Going forward, expect The Juice to continue to utilize Trackstar, our proprietary sentiment indicator, to help you uncover investment ideas. This Juice installment details the power of Trackstar, which uses search data from our more than 100 financial media partners, to help us deliver the best content. 

But we don’t just provide stock or ETF picks. When we talk investing, we always talk strategy. 

It’s one thing to suggest a stock or ETF. It’s entirely another to package them alongside detailed investing strategies and sample ETF portfolios. How can you structure your portfolio to reach your goals, which, for many of us, includes retirement? 

Expect a series in the coming months that focuses on retirement and approaches the crisis (yes, America has a retirement crisis, too) from all of the aforementioned perspectives. 

Between now, then and beyond, we’ll track exactly where this economy is headed and what it all means for your pocketbook at the point of sale and in the stock market

We’ll continue to provide education and ideas around the stocks that drive the forward-looking market, dividend stocks and ETFs. We’ll consider how you can use new technology, such as AI, and sort of old school, but still relevant tools, such as financial advisors, in your investing. 

And, of course, we’ll keep our nose to the ground and continue to track where the housing market and consumer debt situation is going. Two areas we’ve been ahead of the pack on over the last 18 months.

Now …

In case you missed our October Housing is Haunted Series, here’s what we did:


We covered all the bases in October. And we’re gonna round the bases again and again to close out 2023 and kick off 2024. 

The Bottom Line: We’d be delighted if you share this email from a family member, co-worker or friend and suggest they subscribe to The Juice or one of our sister newsletters

We’re thankful you’re with us. We hope most of the scary is behind us. And we look forward to a happy, healthy and profitable holiday season and 2024.

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